No Fly Cone

Bruce Gaither retired as a professional poker player once he became a full-time dad. Due to his lifelong love of horses, he turned to training horses and giving riding lessons. His office was in the barn, which meant his office was filled with flies. He decided he could build a better fly trap, one that was conical in shape and all natural without toxic attractants. The problem was that the “bait” was a dog’s or horse’s excrement. Just wait for the animal to go, cover the pile with the cone and go back later to see all the dead flies, mosquitoes and gnats. (Just fill in whatever bad puns you want.)

No Fly Cone Shark Tank 2

Seth McFarland of Family Guy tried to help his friend Bruce get a deal. Instead, he admitted he didn’t use the cone because he doesn’t have a dog. Then, he made a “joke” that insulted Mark, who then went out. Not that he would have invested anyway. No surprise—none of the sharks invested.

After the Tank, Bruce found a distributor, but that didn’t last for long. Sometime later, he shut down the website and stopped updating the Facebook page.

No Fly Cone is no longer available.

Shark Tank Air Date: 11/2/2012 – Season 4 – Episode 8




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