Growing up in Upstate New York, Olivia (“Liv”) Bowser was passionate about the outdoors and physical fitness. After graduating from the Whitman School of...
Student loan debt is a staggering financial problem. In a January 2, 2018, update on studentloanhero, it was reported that: “Americans owe over $1.48...
Pearachute is a subscription-based service for parents to find and book local activities for their children. Desiree Vargas Wrigley, CEO and one of the...
If the popularity of ride-sharing services has taught us anything, it’s that people love convenient transportation available when they want, where they want. With...
Pavlok is an innovative wearable device that uses Pavlovian conditioning to break bad habits. Ivan Pavlov was a Russian physiologist famous for conditioning dogs...
Brightwheel is a classroom management app that improves communication and connectivity between teachers, parents, and students. It’s a great tool for schools, daycare, or...
FashionTap is a thriving online social network dedicated to fashion. Members join for free and earn money from creating and sharing content about they...
Sworkit is the personal fitness app designed for the startup generation. Created by an MBA, Air Force pilot-turned personal trainer and Army vet-turned tech...
Village Scholarships brings educational funding into the 21st century. It's a unique resource that pairs donors with students in need of financial aid. Once...
Fixed is a San Francisco based company that offers a high-value but inexpensive service to drivers in California - traffic ticket review. Submission is...
Using strong passwords online is more important than ever these days, and many accounts require long passwords that include symbols, letters, and numbers. It’s...