PC Classes Online

David Cox, as manager of an Apple store, had taught very popular computer classes. He noticed that his students tended to be 55 years and older. So David devised curricula for classes that people could take at home. His plan was to bundle the classes with hardware sold in electronic retailers. Mark and Kevin beat up on David because the correct term is “upsell” not “bundle.” It got worse from there. The sharks all ridiculed David for his business plan, his small revenue, and that the service was “30 years too late.” David did not get a deal.

Pc Classes Online Shark Tank 2

He who laughs last: After the show, a group of five investors contacted David. They were opening Mac stores around the country and hired David to set up all the technology in their stores. That grew into his business, Real Mac Guru, for which he travels the country giving corporate training sessions on Apple products. He still owns PC Classes Online, which is hugely successful with upward of eight million members. Instead of selling the online classes, he gives them for free on YouTube, in a dozen different languages. Revenue comes from advertising. And because he did not get a Shark Tank deal, he owns 95% of his businesses.

Pc Classes Online Shark Tank 3

PC Classes Online is now part of TechTalk America.


Shark Tank Air Date: 11/9/2012 – Season 4 – Episode 9




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