The Pocket Panty

The Pocket Panty, founded by Ashlee L. Turner, represents an innovative approach to women’s undergarments, focusing on convenience, comfort, and accessibility. Turner’s journey into entrepreneurship is marked by her initial success with Sweet Sugar, a candy lounge in Los Angeles. Despite the eventual closure of Sweet Sugar due to external factors, Turner’s entrepreneurial spirit persisted, leading her to a career in sales where she consistently excelled. However, her aspiration to re-enter the entrepreneurial world never waned.

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Turner’s creation of The Pocket Panty (TPP) stemmed from her own experiences and the need for a practical, comfortable undergarment solution. Recognizing the challenges women face in maintaining freshness, particularly when transitioning between activities such as workouts and social events, Turner saw an opportunity to create a product that addressed these needs. TPP emerged as a reusable panty line designed to be fashionable, convenient, and discreet, catering to the diverse needs of women.

A key aspect of TPP is its inclusivity and body positivity. Understanding that women’s bodies are diverse, TPP offers a panty option that comfortably fits a range of body shapes. This inclusiveness is a cornerstone of the brand, ensuring that women of all sizes can find comfort and convenience in their product.

Turner’s vision extends beyond just providing a practical undergarment. She aims to destigmatize the occasional need for an on-the-go panty change, which can often be a source of stress or embarrassment. By normalizing this need, TPP empowers women to view these situations as a natural part of life.

The Pocket Panty Project, a pivotal initiative of TPP, illustrates Turner’s commitment to social responsibility. This project involves partnerships with non-profits to provide feminine products to underserved communities. Particularly focused on women of color, who often face compounded challenges of gender and racial discrimination, the project aligns with each sale of The Pocket Panty, contributing to organizations that support the wellness and progression of women of color.

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In terms of product design, TPP’s panties are individually wrapped in biodegradable, smell-proof, reusable zip-lock packages. This thoughtful packaging addresses concerns about odor and disposal, making it easier for women to manage soiled panties discreetly and hygienically.

Through The Pocket Panty, Turner has not only introduced a practical solution for women’s undergarment needs but also created a platform that promotes body inclusivity, combats societal stigmas, and contributes to the welfare of marginalized communities. Her journey from the founder of a candy lounge to a visionary entrepreneur in the women’s undergarment industry highlights her resilience, creativity, and dedication to making a positive impact in the lives of women.

Shark Tank Air Date: 12/08/2023 – Season 15 – Episode 9




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