Face Yoga Anti-aging Facial Exercises

Koko Hayashi, of Hokkaido, Japan, was only 27 years old when she had plastic surgery—an implant to make her chin pointier. The plastic surgeon assured her that, if she didn’t like it, he would remove it, and she would be good as new. She didn’t, he did, she wasn’t. She was left with a warped chin. She wasn’t going to risk having surgery again, so she turned to facial yoga, which has a massive following in Japan.

Face Yoga Shark Tank 2

Koko began practicing the very successful Face Yoga Method developed by Fumiko Takatsu, a teacher respected around the world; went on to become a certified instructor; and later received a beauty therapist license from CIDESCO (Comité International d’Esthétique et de Cosmétologie), headquartered in Switzerland and recognized across the globe for setting the standard for beauty and spa therapy.

A few years ago, Koko introduced her own brand of face yoga to the United States. She is based in Los Angeles and so has attracted celebrity clients and garnered attention from media outlets such as Good Morning America, Access Live Hollywood, and Vogue magazine.

Koko Face Yoga was so successful and had built up such a sizable following that it was a natural progression for Koko to establish Skin Fit Gym, a studio solely for exercising the face and neck muscles. Like any exercise class, motivating music plays in the background and exercises are performed in unison. Members puff their cheeks, stick out their tongues, bug out their eyes and have a great time together. And they don’t hear, “Your face will freeze that way!,” like they did when they were kids. They also learn valuable information, such as smart phones are giving us double chins! Koko also provides private classes, in person or via Skype.

The face yoga market in Japan is huge. There are more than 800 certified instructors. Koko is certain that the US is going to follow suit, and she wants to be in the vanguard. She’s well positioned to achieve that goal. She has already won “Most Popular Yoga Class” at the Yoga Expo 2019.


Shark Tank Air Date: 10/6/19 – Season 11 – Episode 2




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