Parents make sacrifices every day for the sake of their kids’ happiness, growth and safety. One of the things you should never have to sacrifice is style. That’s the heart of Elizabeth Granados’ business, Little Nomad. Granados wanted to change the face of foam pads, those cushioned puzzle pieces parents and schools often use to pad floor surfaces for young ones. The idea was simple: throw out ordinary blue pads and replace them with sweet-patterned mats. The outcome: extraordinary.
Little Nomad features 4 unique color palettes that are great for any interior. From Mist blue to Dusk taupe, there’s something for every taste. The paisley and mandala-inspired patterns add tasteful design to your space while remaining durable enough for little ones’ rough and tumble playtime.
The mats are available in three sized sets, making it easy to pick the right one for the playroom, living room, or space in the corner of your bedroom. You can even buy the mats in easy individual squares, or have them custom designed to fit your needs.
Little Nomad play mats are great for any kind of play you and your family engage in. Set up these adorable mats around the baby’s room to provide a super-soft surface for all who enter. Create a spot for kids to play in a designated area of your living space. These play mats are ideal for adding comfort to the spaces that kids frequent. However, they’re great for adults, too.
Use a pack of Little Nomad mats as a comfortable and stylish yoga mat that won’t slip and slide, or stick to hands and feet. Set a few squares under your desk for comfortable cushioning for feet while working. You can set up the mats anywhere – in the kitchen for those who cook often, or even in the workplace, for those who want to stand comfortably. The beauty of Little Nomad’s design is that you can truly use them anywhere.
Little Nomad launched its Kickstarter campaign in mid-2016 and hit its goal in just 3 days. In 30 days, the business raised over $100,000 for the manufacturing of these beautiful play mats, proving that the market is right for these kinds of products.
It was Elizabeth Granados’ vision to prettify the traditional kids play area, and she set out to create a solution for everyday people. With the help of Designer Sophia Vincent Guy, Little Nomad was born. Since then, the brand has been featured on Guru Guru, On The Money Radio, Project Nursery and more.
Little Nomad products exude pure cuteness, which is something that both Granados and Guy were inspired by when creating these products. With their yoga studio-like designs and the introduction of the Yoga Bunny mascot, the brand brings a calming dose of Namaste to any environment. Even those with little kids running around!
The play mats are easy to assemble, easy to clean, and crafted in super-safe EVA foam. Build your little one’s ideal playground without sacrificing style with Little Nomad play mats.
Little Nomad is now called House of Noa.